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Dr. Zarif's

Rhythmic Ingestion ®


Meet the Z-man

How Eating Affects Systemic Phases: My Discovery of Rhythmic Ingestion®


Peaceful greetings everyone. Come along with me and many more, on a grand journey of discovering the optimal you. Feeling your best, performing at levels that you haven't realized before...your body is an unimaginable creation. Everyday, we experience various phases that are an integral part of our development and maintenance. Briefly, below is an explanation for my excitement in sharing with you the importance of living the optimal you. I discovered Rhythmic Ingesting® to match the various phases we move through every 24 hours, and how advantageous it is to eat the appropriate food during those phases.

Systemic Phase: Blood Pressure


When a person eats, their body redirects blood to the digestive tract to aid with digestion. This causes a temporary decrease in blood pressure elsewhere in the body. To compensate, blood vessels outside of the digestive tract constrict, causing the heart to beat faster and more forcefully.


When you eat, your body directs extra blood to the stomach and small intestine. At the same time, blood vessels that are distant from your digestive system narrow, and your heart beats harder and faster. This action maintains the blood flow and blood pressure to your brain, extremities, and elsewhere in your body.


Eating does cause changes in blood flow, which can result in an increased heart rate. Eating can also cause an increase in blood pressure. If you overeat, you force your heart to work harder than normal. You need more blood going to your digestive system, which causes your heart rate to go up


Systemic Phase: The Heart


Whether your favorite treat is a burger and fries or chocolate cake, it’s okay to indulge once in a while — in moderation. Moderation can be difficult to determine, though, as portion sizes in America continue to grow. Over the last five decades, the average size of food servings, whether from fast food, sit-down restaurants or grocery stores, has grown by as much as 138 percent. This, along with unhealthy relationships with food, can result in overeating.

Overeating occurs when you eat beyond the point of feeling full. When you overeat, your body works overtime in order to support the digestive system. The amount of blood sent to your gut causes your heart rate to go up. Your stomach has to expand in order to make room for the food. It releases hydrochloric acid to help break down food, which can result in heartburn.

The Link Between a Heavy Meal and Heart Attacks

Fatty meals are particularly taxing on the heart. In addition to contributing to higher cholesterol levels, unusually heavy meals may increase your risk of heart attack, possibly due to changes in blood flow and increases in heart rate and blood pressure after eating. If you have heart disease, limit foods that are high in fat and carbohydrates, particularly at a big meal, a celebration with lots of food, or when dining out at your favorite restaurant.

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