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IBW Boosts Brain Power

We are what we eat. Eating a brain-boosting diet is highly recommended as it enables you to have a sound memory, remarkable cognitive functioning and lets you enjoy a healthy life. Brain requires a lot of fuel as it uses 20% of the body’s calories.

IBW Balance

Chances are, if you’re like most other people living in any industrialized country anywhere in the world, your daily routine is hectic and stressful, you suffer from constant fatigue, you rarely sleep well, you continue to gain weight, and you’re at least occasionally moody. In fact, you may be experiencing what we often refer to in metabolism research as “burnout” or exhaustion.

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IBW Better Immunity

The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms that cause disease every day. Through a series of steps called the immune response, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease. The immune system uses white blood cells, also called leukocytes, which come in two basic types that combine to seek out and destroy disease-causing organisms or substances.

Berries Ice Cream

Unique Herbal Formula

Organic agriculture, which is governed by strict government standards, requires that products bearing the organic label are produced without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, genetic engineering or other excluded practices, sewage sludge, or irradiation.


Guided by these and other standards, organic is the most heavily regulated and closely monitored production system in the United States.

IBW 100% Organic

Modern Western pharmacology tends to focus on finding the single molecule that cures a disease. In contrast, Chinese medicine often utilizes herbal formulas that blend many agents to address underlying imbalances that may cause disease, while aiding in symptom relief - a "shotgun" approach that has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years. Medical practitioners all over the world have begun to incorporate more Chinese formulas into their practices to treat common, everyday conditions. Whereas raw herbs were once sent home with the patient and made into teas, today there are a variety of forms available over the counter, in practitioners' offices and in health food stores.


This is what I have been waiting for! Something other than what everybody has settled for. My mind, my body and my spirit are in-synch, and I embrace every day that I awake to more love, kindness and ways to enjoy my life.

Gwendolyn Hassin, Chicago. Illinois

Hey! IBW is the ish! The first week I lost .5 pounds...what! That's all, I said. But, then I realized that I was still eating fat crap, so the second week I got serious, all fried food...well most fried food... I stopped eating it. I drank IBW three times a day, I only lost 1 pound. I thought to myself, this is another no-working, no truth telling diet drink, but the third week I had enough powder to barely get me through, but after taking myself seriously and following the meal protocol chart, I was down another 3.5 pounds. That was 2 months and 18 pounds ago. While I honestly haven't let go all my unhealthy habits, I feel way better, my bowel movements exist now, and I don't hurt in my joints as much anymore. Imagine if...I mean when I go full force all the way? IBW works!!

Michael Thorton Sr., Big Bear, California

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