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Dr. Farid Zarif - Executive Life Diet

Dr. Farid Zarif is one of the best for having innovative minds in the medical field. He’s a specialist in multiple facets. No single word is enough to describe what he does, but let’s call him an entrepreneur, inventor, physician, activist, consultant, musician, and more.

One of his successful projects is the Executive Life Diet that focuses on Rhythmic Ingestion to help the human body achieve Systemic Optimality. In addition, he’s a huge advocate of using whole food and plant-based diets for optimal nourishment.

A Glance at His Educational and Professional Background

Dr. Zarif has a Masters in Public Health and Certification in the clinical profession, and he’s a certified mental therapist. After becoming a professional in the medical field, Dr. Zarif embarked upon his journey as a human rights activist. Being a strong advocate of human rights, he believes in providing quality life to everyone and wants equity.

He thinks everyone deserves equal opportunities when it comes to illness and disease prevention issues.

With over 10 years of experience on multiple fronts of the medical field, he has experience in therapeutic application, management, and education.

To best describe his specialties, he should be called the most skillful professional in holistic and functional nutrition, mental wellness therapy, and whole-food lifestyle management.

He is also an expert in food science, supplements, and fitness. His nutrition-related services include:

· Effective low glycemic meal plans for diabetic patients to improve their quality of life

· Anti-inflammatory meal plans and recipes to fight inflammation and associated illnesses

· Weight management meal plans for achieving perfect BMI.

· Identifying food allergies and sensitivities to help patients prevent inconveniences.

Dr. Zarif has proved it repeatedly with his scientific approaches for treating anxiety, depression, and other mental health. He uses a combination of holistic and allopathic approaches to treat mental health issues. The approaches include learning about appropriate and effective foods and using them in the diet. The purpose is to use foods that can be ingested effectively to aid the body’s natural healing process.

Besides excellent professional skills, Dr. Zarif has impeccable public speaking skills. He’s a lively personality for TV, Radio, and Podcast shows. In addition, he has seven books to his name, which are out there helping thousands of people.

He possesses excellent project management skills making him a perfect fit for high-demanding roles in top-tier hospitals and community centers.

Executive Life Diet

The Executive Life Diet is the world’s most unique program that focuses on letting you know what to eat and when to eat. Knowing so is critical to achieving maximum nourishment and acquiring the best results from the food you eat.

If you have never explored the Executive Life Diet, you are probably unaware of the importance of Rhythmic Ingestion. Likewise, most of us don’t know that what to eat and when to eat are crucial for our health.

The Executive Life Diet informs and offers the perfect plan for your 1st hour meal, 3rd hour meal, 5th hour meal, 7th hour meal, 10th hour meal, and 12th hour meal.

Each hour meal has a specific plant-based whole food that improves your brain health, heart health, resting heart rate, blood pressure, urine, glucose levels, overall energy levels, and more.

Proper nourishment of nutrients has always been compliant with rhythmic ingestion. Your overall health improves when you follow the Rhythmic Ingestion-based meal plans by Dr. Farid Zarif.

Dr. Farid Zarif has conducted over 30 years of studies, experimentation, and observation producing optimal results. But, unfortunately, nutrition has been the most significant distraction of optimal health, fitness, and mental wellness.

Whereas nutrients are the key to nourishment, nourishment is the utility of sustaining physical and mental wellness. Knowing "What to eat and when to eat it" allows our body's systemic structure to work in harmony with nature; rhythmic Ingestion compliance contains the effective elements to correct subjective and anti-healthful eating habits. Unfortunately, what the majority believes to be nutrition facts are nothing more than tactics to mitigate impulsivity.

5 Types of Products from Dr. Farid Zarif to Improve Your Life

1. Powerful Nutrition

With his years of experience and deep knowledge of food sciences and nutrition, Dr. Zarif has formulated powerful nutrition supplements from plant-based whole foods. These supplements give you the strength, energy, and vitality to perform at your full potential.

Just like your vehicle, your body needs fuel too. While you can pour gasoline into your vehicle’s fuel tank, what would be the ideal fuel for your body? The perfect fuel for your body stems from proper nutrition.

Lethargy and inability to stay focused are highly likely to result from poor nutrition, downgrading your quality of life. Conversely, you gain energy, strength, and vitality when you consume Dr. Zarif’s formulated supplements for powerful nutrition.

2. Cleansing

Cleansing your body and removing toxins is critical to nutrient absorption. Whatever you eat moves from your esophagus to your stomach. While in your stomach, it’s broken down into a liquid. Once it has passed from the stomach into the duodenum, it mixes with bile and pancreatic juice to further break down the nutrients.

The interior wall of the small intestine absorbs the nutrients and moves the rest of the substance to the large intestine, where it moves to the colon for elimination from your body.

Dr. Zarif has formulated a natural dietary supplement to support your colon detox for the effective elimination of waste and cleansing of your large intestine.

3. Stronger Immune System

Your immune system is at the heart of your ability to fight diseases. The immune system fights diseases and defends your body against viruses, germs, and disease-causing bacteria.

After years of experience in the research-based study of nutrition and food science, Dr. Zarif formulated the perfect dietary supplement to support the immune system.

Its consumption benefits your overall health by strengthening your immune system and improving your ability to fight diseases effectively.

4. Preventive Measure

Every day, we are exposed to toxins one or the other. You might be consuming them through smoking, drinking sugary beverages, working in an environment with chemicals around it, or living in an area with unhealthy air.

Unfortunately, these toxins remain in your body and harm your liver and kidney functions. When your liver and kidneys are not functioning optimally, toxins can’t be filtered from your blood. As a result, it puts your health at risk of developing diseases.

Dr. Farid Zarif offers dietary supplements to support your anti-viral and immune response. These supplements have natural ingredients packed with antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients to flush toxins from your body. In addition, it keeps your liver and kidneys safe and ensures optimal functioning.

5. Specialty Supplements

While it’s great to consume supplements strengthening your immune system, providing energy, and cleansing your body, nothing beats specialty supplements. Maybe you want to improve gut health, prevent overeating, protect yourself from seasonal allergies, or support your prostate and urinary system.

Dr. Zarif has spent years studying specific body needs, which enabled him to develop holistic approaches to support specific body functions.

Specialty supplements by Dr. Zarif are targeted at improving specific functions of your body and help them perform optimally.

More Services by Dr. Farid Zarif

· Nutrition Consultation

Those struggling with maintaining proper nutrition and want nutrition consultation can book virtual or phone call consultation. A high-quality and in-depth consultation is given to them for identifying their nutritional goals and helping them prepare the right nutritional plans for them. Systemic optimality can be achieved with proper nutrition and rhythmic ingestion-based meal plans by Dr. Zarif.

· Personal Fitness

If you want to stay fit and achieve your personal fitness goals, the Executive Life Diet offers virtual personal fitness services. Book for personal fitness classes and work with highly trained and certified personal fitness trainers.

· Mental Wellness

Today, everyone should seek ways to achieve mental wellness. If you are struggling with mental well-being or want to achieve optimal mental wellness, book mental wellness support by Executive Life Diet.

· Fitness Classes

The Executive Life Diet offers fitness classes to everyone who wants to achieve better physical fitness.

· Public Speaking

Public speaking is not a skill that everyone has in them by birth. Fortunately, you can develop it by learning and practicing. If you want to be better at public speaking, the Executive Life Diet offers public speaking sessions.

· Self Defense

To enable yourself for effective self-defense, you can book self-defense classes by Executive Life Diet.

Dr. Farid Zarif is a prominent personality in the healthcare industry and an authority on natural healing and complementary medicine. His Rhythmic Ingestion-based meal plans work wonders for everyone. So don’t hesitate to give it a try!

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