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Immune pro

Immune pro

Herbs that have a deep traditional history of boosting the immune system.


  • Many of Echinacea’s chemical constituents are, in fact, powerful immune system stimulators and can provide a significant therapeutic value namely essential oils, flavonoids, inulin, polysaccharides and vitamin C.
  • In Germany, dietary herbs are regulated by the government, and the above ground parts of the Echinacea purpurea species are actually approved as natural remedies for urinary tract infections, upper respiratory tract infections, colds and slow-healing wounds.
  • USDA -NRCS (The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service) issued a report edited in December, 2000 (Report Link). The reports states that the immune system seems to be strongly influenced by ... echinacea. "Recent pharmacological studies indicate that a 10-mg/kg daily dose of the polysaccharide [from echinacea] over a ten-day period is effective as an immuno-stimulant.
  • According to Extracts of echinacea do seem to have an effect on the immune system, your body's defense against germs. Research shows it increases the number of white blood cells, which fight infections. A review of more than a dozen studies, published in 2014, found the herbal remedy had a very slight benefit in preventing colds.

Astragalus Root:

  • Astragalus is considered to be an "Adaptogen" herb. Adaptogens are herbs that help “protect the body against physical, mental, and emotional stress" according to herbalists.
  • Astragalus is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is referred to as Huang-qi. Only the roots are harvested for medicinal purposes.
  • Today we know how and why it was so valued by the Chinese as a plant that positively affects human health. Astragalus contains three components major active constituents - saponins, flavonoids and polysaccharides. 
    • Saponins are known for their ability to lower cholesterol and improve the immune system.
    • Flavanoids have antioxidative qualities which control and scavenge off free radicals. They are also to help prevent heart disease, and immunodeficiency viruses.
    • Polysaccharides are known to have antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory capabilities, among other health benefits.


  • Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), also known as orange root, yellow root or yellow puccoon, is a perennial herb belonging to the buttercup family.
  • Native Americans historically used goldenseal for health issues like skin diseases, ulcers, stomach issues and gonorrhea.
  • Today goldenseal is being studied for its effectiveness with health issues including; the natural treatment and prevention of colds, respiratory tract infections, allergies, eye infections, digestive issues, canker sores, vaginitis and urinary tract infections.
  • One of the major active constituents in Goldenseal is berberine. Berberine has been been proven to be antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and blood glucose–lowering. It's no wonder that Goldenseal is so popular among naturalists and western medicine stidies.

Reishi Mushroom

  • The reishi mushroom, also known as LingZhi in Traditional Chinese Medicine is an edible mushroom that has been used for its healing abilities for thousands of years.
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine documents Reishi mushrooms as anti-inflammatories and they are tied to longevity, better immune function and mental clarity.
  • These mushrooms are catagorized as adaptogens. 
  • There are multiple studies that have been or are being conducted in Japan, China, the U.S. and the U.K. These studies indicate that reishi mushrooms are capable of offering protection against numerous diseases or illnesses, including; inflammation, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), frequent infections (urinary tract, bronchitis, respiratory infections, etc.), liver disease, digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome, skin disorders, autoimmune disorders, viruses, and many others

The studies sited above are for informational purposes only. They do not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

  • Health Information

    The Immune System

    Our body has a miraculous defense mechanism which is called the immune system. This system is our body’s natural defense against illness and injury and will heal us naturally if we protect this system from damage.  As long as our immune system is well and strong, we stand a better chance against illnesses like colds, flu's and other diseases.
    Have you ever noticed that there are people who breeze through the cold and flu season without doing anything special and yet never seem to get sick? Have you noticed that there are people that take every precaution and no matter how careful they are they catch everything? The difference between either of these two scenarios is the strength of the immune system. The idea of boosting your immunity is something that people have desired to do for ages, but the ability to do so is harder than it seems. The immune system is a system, not something simple like an organ or a muscle. There is still much that scientists don't know about the immune system and its response. That doesn't mean that there aren't some core principals to follow that help maintain your immune system.

    What exactly is an immune system?
    The immune system, which is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs, defends people against germs and microorganisms that cause disease every day. Through a series of steps called the immune response, the immune system attacks organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease. The immune system uses white blood cells, also called leukocytes, which come in two basic types that combine to seek out and destroy disease-causing organisms or substances.

    How does it work?
    The leukocytes circulate through the body between the organs and nodes via lymphatic vessels and blood vessels much like sentry guards might guard a castle. The leukocytes work in a coordinated manner to monitor the body for germs or substances that might cause problems. When antigens (foreign substances that invade the body) are detected the immune system starts its response and sends those sentry guards out on a search and destroy mission.

    What keeps the immune system healthy and active? 
    The best answer to this question is lifestyle choices. Your first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Following general good-health guidelines is the single best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better when protected from environmental assaults and is bolstered by healthy-living strategies. All of the suggestions listed below really do help your whole body including your immune system function better. 

    If you want vibrant health, and also want to defend yourself against the many baffling new pathogens/ antigens that are showing up in our food and our environment, you need to take care of your immune system.

    You need to do all that you can to guard and strengthen your immune system. 

    • Get plenty of sleep. The first and most important rule. A tired body is a sure way to become susceptable to disease.
    • Don't smoke!!! That means anything (cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, marijuana). The toxins that come from smoke and enter the bloodstream through the lungs have to be eliminated. The immune system can be taxed during this process.
    • Eat a healthy diet. All of the nutrition consumed in a healthy diet contributed to the health and strength of your immune system.
    • Exercise regularly. This keeps all of the "juices" flowing. Increased heart rate and blood flow isn't just for your cardio-vascular health. It also aids in making sure that all of your systems are being fed (nourished) and oxygenated.
    • Be vigilant at being clean and sanitary. Wash you hands consistantly. Make sure that you are using best practices when handling and cooking the food you eat.
    • When you feel that you are getting extra exposure find supplements that boost your immune system or at least fortify the vitamins, minerals and amino's that are connected to a healthy immune system.

    What weakens or taxes the immune system?

    • Eating unhealthy greasy fast foods. Drinking sugary or large quantities of alcaholic drinks.
    • Staying up late or not getting enough sleep.
    • Overuse/ abuse of prescriptions and/or antibiotics.The problem of drug interaction is becoming more and more significant as the number of drugs in use increases.
    • Also many chemicals, pesticides, pollutants, food additives, animal toxins, alcohol and narcotics weaken our immune system.Try to avoid these as much as possible.
  • Ingredients

    • Echinacea Angustifolia (root), Astragalus (root), Siberian Ginseng (root), Pau D' Arco (bark), Suma (root), Goldenseal (root), Kelp (herb), Bladder Pod (herb), Plantain (leaf), Reishi (herb), Cayenne Pepper (40,000 HU)
  • Instructions

    • Take 1 to 2 Capsules once or twice a day. Works well in conjunction with NATURE'S BIOTIC and RESPIRATORY RELIEF.
  • Supply

    1 Bottle of IMMUNE PRO

    • 100 Capsules 
  • Features

    • Combines herbs that have a history of use for the immune system.
    • Formulated with a combination of herbs that promote healthy immune system function.
    • Best if used in the months of September, October, March and April.
    • This product contains Echinacea, Golden Seal and Astragalus. Historically these herbs were used to keep people healthy!
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