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Relieve & Breathe

Relieve & Breathe

The Respiratory System:

  • The Respiratory System:

The lungs and respiratory system allow oxygen in the air to be taken into the body, while also enabling the body to get rid of carbon dioxide in the air breathed out. Respiration is the term for the exchange of oxygen from the environment for carbon dioxide from the body's cells.

  • The respiratory system consists of:
    • Nose and Nasal Cavity. 
    • Mouth.
    • Pharynx.
    • Larynx.
    • Trachea.
    • Bronchi and Bronchioles.
    • Lungs.
    • Muscles of Respiration.

Mucus and the respiratory system.

  • Mucus (myo??ok?Ös) is a slippery aqueous secretion produced by, and covering, mucous membranes. We commonly call it phlegm, snot or sputum.
    • Mucus and its function.
      • Mucus coats and protects the mucous membranes.
        • Healthy production of mucus protects and is part of the defense system for respiritory diseases.
      • Mucus engulfs bacteria, viral infections, respiratory irritants and allergens. It acts as an elimination tool for the respirtatory system.
      • Mucus is eliminated through the digestive tract and through the nose and mouth (blowing your nose or spitting it out through your mouth).
      • The production of mucus is necessary for the respiratory system to function at the healthiest levels.
  • Too much mucus!!!
    • Too much mucus can be a symptom of a cold, flu or other respiratory issues.
    • When there are irritants in the air (allergens) our body naturally produces more mucus to aid in the defense against the irritants.
    • When it engulfs bacteria or other irritants mucus itself can become infected and turn a greenish color.
    • A runny nose, sinus congestion, a cough or lung congestion are symptoms of too much mucus being produced and are typical symptoms of colds, flu's, hayfever, allergies and other respiratory issues.
    • People cough when the lining of the windpipe becomes irritated. This often happens when a a person is sick or when the body is fighting off an illness and making lots of mucus or phlegm.
    • Too much mucus can also fill and put pressure on the sinus cavities. We oftten refer that to a sinus headache.
  • Ingredients

    Mullein (leaf), Bayberry (bark), Horehound (leaf),


    • The herb Mullein has been cultivated in Scotland and England for centuries as a medicinal herb. Historically it was used for respiratory issues like coughs,  lung conjestion, brochitis and nasal congestion.  
    • Mullein contains a good amount of potassium and calcium phosphate.
    • These two organic salts are essential for rebuilding tissue, nervous system function, bone structure and in maintaining general health and well-being. 
    • Mullein leaves and flowers are classified in traditional herbal literature as expectorants (promotes the discharge of mucus) and demulcents (soothes irritated mucous membranes). Historically, mullein has been used by herbalists as a remedy for the respiratory tract, particularly in cases of irritating coughs with bronchial congestion. 
    • Mullein is an excellent herb for the respiratory system, and has been known as an astringent, which opens air passages by shrinking irritated areas, allowing air to flow more freely through the respiratory system. 
    • Mullein is known by other names in other ancient cultures. The people of Rome and Ireland called it "lungwort" because they used it to cure lung disease in both humans and livestock (Muenscher, 1935; DeBray, 1978).
    • "Mullein contains approximately 3% mucilage and small amounts of saponins and tannins. The mucilaginous constituents are thought to be responsible for the soothing actions on mucous membranes. The saponins may be responsible for the expectorant actions of mullein." University of Michigan Medical Health Article
    • Mullein has a long history of traditional use for respiratory issues and is currently being studied for more information.


    • The herb Elcampane is categorized as a diuretic, tonic, expectorant, alterative, astringent and is a gentle stimulant.
    • "The traditional uses in herbal medicine it is chiefly for coughs, consumption and other pulmonary complaints, being a favourite domestic remedy for bronchitis. It has been employed for many hundreds of years with good results in chest affections." ( A Modern Herbal Botanical )
    • One of the classifications of Elcampane is an expectorant. An expectorant is defined as an herb that expels mucus.
    • It is also an astringent which is said to shrink or contract skin. Some herbalists use astringents on swollen mucous membranes.


    • The traditional uses of Bayberry are for head colds, circulatory system stimulation, as a gargle for sore throats, as an ointment for skin ulcers, Diarrhea and even nausea.
    • Bayberry contains tannins that have a drying effect on skin and membranes.
    • On classifications for Bayberry is as an astringent.
    • Bayberry contains an active flavonoid called Myricetin. It is extracted from the barks, leaves, and roots of the plant known as myrica rubrae (Bayberry). It is very well known for the biologic effect of antioxidant and radical scavenge activities.
    • During the 19th century Samuel Thomson, a New England herbalist and father of 'physiomedicalism' described Bayberry as second only to red pepper for producing 'heat' within the body. Thomson recommended it for colds, flu, diarrhoea, fever and infectious disease and most particularly as an agent to increase the 'vital force', related to the body's intrinsic ability to heal itself.

     Herbs like these are extremely important for your health and well-being!

    The studies sited above are for informational purposes only. They do not reflect or relate to the performance or purpose of any products that contain similar materials.

  • Instructions

    • 2 Capsules 3 times a day 1/2 hour before meals when possible. May use more as needed.
  • Supply

    1 Bottle of Relief and Breathe

    • 100 Capsules - 448 mg.
  • Features

    • This all natural formula is designed to promote respiatory function.
    • Mullein has been cultivated in Scotland and also in England for centuries, Traditionally it is used as an herb that naturally adresses respiratory issues.
    • Elcampane is traditionally used to expel mucus. It is in the expectorant category.
    • This has been a great formula for use in the cold months of winter!
    • Contains herbs in the expectorant astringent and stimulant herbal categories.
  • Reviews

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