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Thrilla in Vanilla (Vanilla)
  • Thrilla in Vanilla (Vanilla)

    Ideal Body Weight

    Thrilla in Vanilla inspired by Muhammad Ali (GOAT) It is the healthy meal replacement protein drink you've been looking for! IBW drinks are diabetic and celiac safe.
    Less than 2 grams of fat
    Less than 2 Net Carbohydrates
    Low in Calories
    Low Cholesterol
    Great Anti-Oxidant

    "The closer you are to Nature the healthier you will be" says, Dr. Farid Zarif, leading health and wellness professional. 
    One 8 to 12 ounce glass of IBW provides you with all the major Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes along with a host of vitamins and minerals.

    • IBW provides natural fiber, from apple pectin, for your diet needs. IBW provides your daily nutritional needs so you can optimize everyday with optimal energy, performance, and and emotional stability.


    • There are 3 Great Flavors ~
      • These are kid tested for great taste. Chocolux, flavoring comes from organic dark chocolate powder. Berry Nice, flavoring comes from a mixture of nutritious berries pulp, and Thrilla in Vanilla flavoring comes from Vanilla Bean Powder. IBW is sweetened with honey Crystals, Stevia and LoHan.
    • 25 grams of Protein ~ comes from high quality organic Whey Protein, which raises protective HDL cholesterol, lowers triglycerides, improves insulin action, enhances liver and heart glutathione. Our Whey Protein is also virtually lactose free. 
    • A Whole Host of Trace Minerals ~ minerals work together with enzymes to regulate nearly all bodily functions. Without the trace minerals some functions break down and become vulnerable or susceptible to adverse environmental influences like toxins or disease.
    • Digestive Enzyme Blend ~ Enzymes are the force that allows our bodies to digest and absorb food. Our bodies require enzymes and minerals to regulate every biochemical and metabolic process that goes on in our bodies.
    • Peptide Amino Acids ~ are the "building blocks" of the body. Besides building cells and repairing tissue, they form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses: they are part of the enzyme and hormonal system: they build nucleoproteins (RNA & DNA): they carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity. Protein is broken down by digestion and turned into amino acids. There are 22 known amino acids, six are essential (cannot be manufactured by the body) the rest are non-essential (can be manufactured by the body with proper nurtition).

    IBW provides both essential and non-essential amino acids.

    • Omega 3 Fatty Acids ~ are considered essential fatty or amino acids, which mean that they are essential to human health but cannot be manufactured by the body. For this reason, omega 3 fatty acids have to be obtained from food. Omega 3 is the single most important essential nutrient that is almost entirely missing from our food today. Omega 3 can improve health issues including lowering triglycerides, general heart benefits, improving brain function, as well as helping with joint pain and circulatory issues. The typical American diet tends to contain 11 to 30 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids and many researchers believe this imbalance is a significant factor in the rising rate of inflammatory disorders in the U. S. population.
    • Probiotic Blend ~ are the beneficial bacteria (Intestinal Flora) normally present in the digestive tract. These are required for proper digestion, the synthesis of Vitamin K, and the prevention of yeast infection and pathogen growth. If our intestinal flora becomes unbalanced due to the depletion of friendly bacteria it can result in a weakened immune system. Probiotic bacteria produces substances called bacteriocins which act as natural antibiotics, killing potentially harmful micro-organisms.
    • Ingredients

      Why should someone choose IBW as their meal replacement shake when there are so many others to choose from?

      That is a really great question! First and foremost is the ingredients.

      • Protein:
        • The whey protein and protein isolates come from a facility in New Zealand. New Zealand is a long way away to go for protein but we will use nothing but the best. Here are a few reasons that we chose the way that we did.
        • We found through a great amount of research that milk cows are truly grass fed without any milk production hormones in New Zealand.
        • The milk is processed at low temperatures so as not to destroy the nutritional value in it.
        • The whey protein and protein isolates are the most soluble of ANY of the proteins that we tested.
          • There is no clumping and no grittiness.
      • Flavoring:
        • Flavoring is such a big part of our protein shakes. It's not hard to purchase artificial flavor packs that use chemical versions of cocao, vanilla and versions of exotic berries. We won't do that. We use real chocolate from real cacao, real vanilla bean and real berry pulp to flavor our shakes. The process is much harder but the benefits are absolutely worth it. 
        • Real flavors are not as strong as the imitations. It requires more of the flavor and more balance to make good ingredients taste the way that they're supposed to.
        • Real flavors require masking things like vitamins and minerals in a process called micro-encapsulation. Basically that means that the vitamins and minerals are rolled in a semi-soluble substance so that your taste buds never become aware that they exist.
        • We also use sweeteners like honey crystals, lohan (a melon gorwn in southeast Asia) and stevia another well know natural sweetener.
      • Other Ingredients: Some protein shakes are just that... flavored protein...  IBW is sooo much more!
        • Pre-Biotics:
          • Prebiotics are actually a source of fiber that also helps in a more efficient uptake of vitamins and amino acids.
        • Pro-Biotics:
          • Probiotics are the friendly bacteria that reside in your lower digestive tract. The assist in breaking down the proteins that you just consumed when you drank a glass full of IBW.
        • Digestive Enzymes:
          • Digestive enzymes facilitate the chemical breakdown of food into smaller, absorbable components. Enzymes called amylases break down starches into sugar molecules; proteases break down proteins into amino acids; and lipases break down fat into its component parts.
          • IBW has all 3 types of enzymes included in the formula
        • Vitamins and Minerals:
          • Protein is good for you but protein with extra vitamins and minerals included make this shake a meal replacement not just a protein shake.
      • The Mixing Process:
        • There is a long process that starts with the research. We research every ingredient in out formula to assure that you are getting the BEST. It's never the price that determines which raw material we purchase it's the quality.
        • After we choose the raw materials we have them tested individually at an independent laboratory to make sure that the purity, potency and content et aur very strict standards.
        • Once they have passed the quality testing phase we micro-encapsulate the vitamins, minerals, pro-biotics and the digestive enzymes.
          • This is to assure that the vitamins and minerals don't affect the taste and that the or-biotics and digestive enzymes are protected long enough to get through the acidic environment of the upper GI (gastrointentinal tract) to the ph balance envirnment of the lower GI where they can do their work.
        • Finally we mix the ingredients together to make our very complete meal replacement protein mixture.
        • After the final mixing we pull another sample of the completed batch and send it to the independent lab for a final test to assure one more time that the batch of IBW is up to our purity, potency and content standards.

      IBW is a gleaming example of the extra effort needed to create a superior product. We really do go to extra effort from the beginning to the end to make sure that you get the very, very best.

    Excluding Sales Tax
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